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108.07 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Halai Block c. 550 - 540 ?
108.08 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Halai Capital c. 550 - 540 ?
108.09 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Zeli Gravestone c. 525 - 500 ?
108.10 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Livanatas Skyphos c. 500 - 475 ?
108.11 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Halai Base c. 500 - 475 ?
108.12 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Livanatas Gravestone c.500 - 475 ?
108.13 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Kyparission Gravestone c. 500 - 475 ?
108.14 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Atalanti Gravestone c. 500 - 475 ?
108.15 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Atalanti Gravestone c. 500 - 475 ?
108.16 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Korseia Gravestone c. 500 - 475 ?
108.17 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Galaxidi Wheel c. 550 - 525 ?